Fame | Justin de Villeneuve net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Justin de Villeneuve? When is Justin de Villeneuve's birthday? Where is Justin de Villeneuve born? Where did Justin de Villeneuve grow up from? What's Justin de Villeneuve's age?

Justin de Villeneuve Born: 1939 (age 84years), Edmonton, London, United Kingdom

Justin de Villeneuve Known_for: Manager to Twiggy

Justin de Villeneuve Books only: Men - for Women Only, An Affectionate Punch

Does Justin de Villeneuve have any children? What are the names of Justin de Villeneuve's children? What are the ages of Justin de Villeneuve's children?

Justin de Villeneuve Children: Poppy de Villeneuve

They became a couple, and as her career as a model took off, he became her manager and helped to make her famous. Twiggy severed ties with him in 1973 and later downplayed his role in her success.

The world's first fashion 'supermodel' Twiggy and her agent turned husband Justin de Villeneuve in London, 1966.
