Ed.D. Concentration Courses
(Minimum of 31 Credit Hours)
EPY 8133 Crisis Prevention & Intervention
3 credit hour seminar. Study of school crisis prevention and intervention strategies with emphasis on preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from crisis impacting students and schools
ED 8813 Applications of Systems Change in Education and Related Fields
(Prerequisites: Admission to a doctoral degree in Education or related field; or permission of the instructor) 3 credit hours. The study of theories and principles of systems change in public and private agencies including education, clinical and health service agencies, and other related fields.
ED 9413 Government & Agency Relationships in Education Policy
(Prerequisites: Admission to a doctoral degree in Education or related field; or permission of the instructor) 3 credit hours. Managing external relations with governmental and other agencies; grantsmanship & funding agencies.
ED 9314 Systems- and Individual-Level Supervision, Mentoring, and Consultation
(Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor). 3 credit hours lecture, I hour practicum. Systematic investigation and application of consultation, supervision, and mentoring as applied to individuals and organizational structures.
ED 9323 Program Development and Accountability
(Prerequisites: Admission to a doctoral degree in Education or related field; or permission of the instructor) 3 credit hours. Process of accountability, including standards within education and professional programs, accreditation processes, and general procedures, and data collection strategies to meet general regulations.
ED 9343 Organizational/ Project Design and Management
3 credit hours. The focus of the course is on the development of knowledge and skills in planning, designing, implementing, managing, and evaluating innovative projects and organizations in an area of student’s expertise and interest.
ED 9913 Capstone Seminar in Education
(Prerequisites: Admission to the Doctoral of Education or Doctor of Psychology program; permission of the instructor). 3 credit hours. May be repeated one time. Students prepare for their Capstone Project to investigate a specific problem of practice appropriate to the subject area and graduate-level specific to the student.
ED 8620 Capstone Project in Education
(Prerequisites: Admission to the Doctoral of Education or Doctor of Psychology program; permission of the instructor). Variable credit hours. Investigation of a specific problem of practice, review of related literature, development of an action plan, and presentation of data regarding the plan.