Is It Based on A True Story in 1875?

According to Quotev, Teletubbies is actually based on the asylum story, which took place in 1955.

It is said to be the story of the kids in the institute for the mentally disabled in Bulgaria, and the kids in the institute were locked in dark and cold rooms.

The kids were not looked after properly, and the caretakers used to forget to feed them. The four children were met with a horrific demise on the same day, and it is said that they are the four characters in the show.

The Story of Towotei

Towotei was seven years old when the incident took place. He had a facial deformity that made his mouth have a constant smile, and he was deaf. He was said to be a troublesome child, and the caretakers would lock him outside.

He got frostbite, which caused his limbs to go permanently blue. It is believed that Tinky Winky's character is based on him, and his color is purple because of the severe frostbite.

The Story of Lala

Lala had a facial deformity, and her face was stretched, which caused a permanent smile. She was locked in a cold, dark room for five years, which impacted her, and she used to dance around the room without music.

Her caregivers tortured her and broke her leg, preventing her from dancing; despite the pain, she always smiled. Due to the lack of sunlight exposure, her skin turned a sickly yellow color.

Lala's character and the color yellow were inspired by her.

The Story of Donka

Donka was a six-year-old kid who was mute because he was not taught. He was sick most of the time, and he would starve because he would throw up the food given to him. The takers would leave him face-down on his own vomit, and it was hard for him to move because he was ill and weak.

It is known that Dipsy's character was inspired by him, and green was his color because he always looked sick.

The Story of Polina

Polina was the youngest of the four, and she was locked in the institute from the moment she was born. She was abandoned by her parents due to her deformed face, which caused a creepy smile on her face.

She fell asleep one night near the logs for the fire. Some drunk caretakers threw her into the fire. Polina woke up from her sleep when she felt a burning sensation. She screamed for help, and the caregivers pulled her out, but the damage had already been done to her body.

The character and color of Po were inspired by her.

The Reason Why the Teletubbies Creators Added Television to Their Stomach

For the kids at the institute, their only source of comfort was the television, which was constantly played throughout the institute. One day, four of them overheard the director of the orphanage saying that they would have to remove the television due to its high expenses.

The four of them panicked because the thing that comforted them was being taken away from them. When the caretakers left at night, the four kids went to the shelves and pulled out four televisions, but they panicked as there was no place to hide them as the room was empty.

They thought of climbing down the window, but they were weak, so Donka got an idea and looked at the kids knowingly as they thought of hiding the television in their stomachs because they were used to hiding their toys by swallowing.

The next day when caretakers arrived the kids were crying as usual but the four of them were laid in the middle of the room as they had clawed their stomachs and the television covered in blood was inside their ripped bellies. Their eyes were wide open, and they had permanent smiles on their faces.

The creators of the show had a TV inserted in the Tubbies' stomachs, where they watched videos sent by kids.
