Johnny Joey Jones' Wife Meg Jones Prefers to Stay Out of the Spotlight

Johnny Joey Jones, his wife Meg and their daughter. | Source:

Veteran, TV host, and motivational speaker Johnny Joey Jones lives in the public eye. But one part of his life is private, and he shares it with his wife, Meg Garrison Jones.

US Marines veteran Johnny Joey Jones has become a public figure due to his work as a motivational speaker and a veteran's advocate after a service injury that cost him his legs.

Johnny Joey Jones's wife is Meg Garrison Jones, a woman who prefers to stay out of the limelight, even though she is one of her husband's greatest supporters.

Meg and Joey Jones at the AT&T Audience Network Celebrates the "Religion of Sports" in 2016, in New York City. | Source: Getty Images

Born on July 21, 1986, in Dalton, Georgia, Johnny Joey Jones served in the U.S. Marines as a bomb technician for eight years in the Iraq and Afghanistan war zones.

While serving his country in 2010, Johnny suffered a traumatic injury that claimed his legs and damaged his hands. While recovering from his injuries, Jones started an outreach program for injured veterans.

By the time he left the military hospital, Johnny was an advocate for veterans and became a motivational speaker. He has since then become a commentator and military analyst for Fox Network., alongside high-profile hosts like Laura Ingraham.

For Johnny, it has become imperative that other people who have suffered similar losses see how he lives his life despite his injuries, but his wife, Meg Garrison Jones, prefers to stay out of the spotlight.

Joey Called His Wife the 'Most Important Woman' in His Life

Johnny and Meg married on December 30, 2012, in Washington, DC, in a ceremony with full military honors. The couple had met years before when they were both in high school but had lost touch.

They reconnected after Johnny's injury and quickly fell in love. The veteran has paid tribute to his wife, posting a sweet photo of Meg with their daughter on Instagram, captioned:

"These are the two most important women in my life. I haven't been there for them enough, sometimes it feels like at all. They say it's never too late too to fix something or make a change. I hope that's true."

Like many men with a mission, Johnny knows that his dedication to his cause is a cost also borne by his family, but Meg seems to be a staunch supporter.

The Couple Share One Daughter

Meg and Johnny are the proud parents of a sweet little girl they welcomed on July 28, 2019. Even though Johnny often shares photos and videos of his daughter, he has never revealed her name. He wrote on Twitter:

"I did not know love until I met this sweet girl. She breaks my heart and fills it back up every day."

The Jones seem to be baseball fans, and Johnny's daughter has her own Braves shirt. He shared a photo of the little girl on Twitter and captioned it:

"How children learn is truly remarkable. My daughter is <2yrs. I introduce a word/concept, she says it/see it.. and bam, she’s learned it forever."

Meg is a quiet, steadfast presence in all of Johnny's posts on Twitter and Instagram, even though all her social media accounts are private.
