Who Rachel Griffin Accurso (Miss Rachel)? Wikipedia, age, husband, kids, YouTube, net worth

Former New York City preschool teacher Rachel Griffin Accurso, better known online as Ms. Rachel, has a huge impact on children all over the world. She is a YouTube and TikTok sensation.

Accurso manages the well-known “Songs For Littles” YouTube channel, which provides instructional videos and music lessons for young children, in addition to her band, which includes her husband, Broadway composer Aron.

Accurso began the channel after realizing her son Thomas had a speech impairment. Gadi Schwartz of NBC News quotes Accurso as saying, “I had waited for that for so long. At the age of two years and eight months, he said the word “mama.”

Rachel Griffin Accurso received a master’s degree in music education from New York University. Rachel later pursued early childhood education studies at Harvard and Bank Street College. Rachel is currently pursuing her second master’s in early childhood education.

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Rachel Griffin Accurso (Miss Rachel) Wikipedia, age

Rachel Griffin’s birthday is on December 8. Miss Rachel Griffin is currently 43 years old.

Rachel Griffin Accurso (Miss Rachel) Husband

Mr. Rachel’s husband and Aladdin’s assistant musical director on Broadway, Aron Accurso,

Rachel Griffin Accurso (Miss Rachel) Kids

Ms. Rachel Griffin’s sole child is Thomas Accurso, who she raised alone.

Rachel Griffin Accurso (Miss Rachel) Youtube

There are more than a million subscribers to the Ms Rachel YouTube channel. There have been 96 videos uploaded three years after it started.

Rachel Griffin Accurso (Miss Rachel) Youtube

The total wealth of Ms. Rachel is $10 million. She has made a lot of money thanks to her YouTube channel and her work as a songwriter.
