Martha Higareda and Cory Brusseau

Martha Higareda and Cory Brusseau


Martha Higareda and Cory Brusseau  


Cory Brusseau and Martha Higareda are divorced after a marriage of 8 months.


Cory Brusseau is a 48 year old American Actor. His zodiac sign is Libra.

Martha Higareda is a 40 year old Mexican Actress. Born Martha Higareda Cervantes on 24th August, 1983 in Villa Hermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, she is famous for Grace in Street Kings in a career that spans 2002–present. Her zodiac sign is Virgo.


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Relationship Statistics

MarriedMay 2016 - 20178 months, 5 days
Total2011 -20176 years
More about Martha Higareda and Cory Brusseau Less about Martha Higareda and Cory Brusseau
