One of the worst places to commit a crime is the United States of America and one would have expected that Josey Amann would know better but apparently, he allowed his fantasies to overcome his consciousness and self-control.
No matter how long it takes, one will be apprehended definitely. For Josey Amann, it took just five months for the police to arrest him after committing the crime.
What happened to Josey Amann?
According to online court records, Josey Amann, 32, was charged with first-degree child sexual assault and resisting an officer on December 15, 2021.
Information from the criminal complaint was covered by The La Crosse Tribune shortly after the incident. The girl was groped by Amman on May 22 in a store aisle, according to that document. After the girl told her mother, Amman was confronted but ran away from the Walmart store.
On October 29, 2021, police located him at his workplace. He claimed he had forgotten the girl and her mother. He then took off but was caught shortly after. He informed the police that he is ill and needed assistance. Public advocate Tom Locante, who represents Amman, declined to comment.
Where is Josey Amann now?
Josey Amann who is now 32 years old is still being held in detention as of now. There has no news about his trial online for the crime he committed.
According to online legal sources, one could be jailed for up to 20 years if found guilty of such a crime with a fine of about $10,000. Texas penal code section 21.11 considers groping as a second-degree felony if one engages in sexual contact with a child under 18.