On March 12, 2023, young Anthony Joseph (AJ) Brahmstadt of Bozeman, Montana suddenly pἀssed away. Mark Brahmstadt his father said, “This is where he became AJ.”
Kalli Brahmstadt said, “Just walking around this campus, I can feel him here.” His parents claim that his love for his family, friends and university is evident even in photographs. Kalli added:
“He had an amazing smile that just lit up a room, just super genuine and he was a great friend.”
AJ’s life was celebrated at the graduation ceremony and his parents had the chance to accept their son’s diploma. Mark Brahmstadt said:
“He worked so hard for it and not just the work he put in at school. It was the work he put into his friendships and even his work at the concrete company.”

AJ moved to Montana from Oregon but according to his parents, he quickly felt at home at MSU. Mark said, “Hunting, fishing, you name it, He embraced all things, Montana.” Kalli said, “And he was just a ball of energy at every football game.”
AJ’s beloved university is now working to ensure that his memory is preserved. AJ’s name will be added to the memorial for university students this summer. Thanks to Kalli and Mark, an MSU economics student will receive more than $2,000 in scholarships each fall in AJ’s memory.
They claim that they are incredibly proud of the legacy their kid has left behind. Mark said, “It’s just unbelievable how much he is going to be missed.” Kalli added, “He lived so fiercely for 21 years and was bigger than life.”
On August 15, which also happens to be AJ’s birthday, a tree will hopefully be planted in his honor close to the student monument. On the website of the MSU Alumni Foundation donations can be made to the AJ memorial fund.
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