18 Memorable 50th Birthday Party Games For The Big Day

A 50th birthday is a big deal, and if you’re having a party to celebrate, keeping your guests entertained during the festivities should be a priority. To help you start planning activities, here are 18 inspiring suggestions for 50th birthday party games.

As you plan out the games you’ll be playing at your 50th, make sure to think about where you’d like to have the party, too. Then head over to Peerspace (the largest marketplace on the internet for hourly venue rentals) to check out the birthday party venues that are available for rent in your area.

1. DIY “Guess Who” with faces you know!

First on our list of 50th birthday party games is this fantastic and creative idea. If you’ve played “Guess Who” before, you can probably imagine how fun it’d be to play with people you actually know instead of cartoon characters. Use the guests at your party as the subjects and have them guess who else is there!

2. Dig into your pantry to gear up for toilet paper cup drag

We don’t know exactly what this game is called, but we do know it’s a fun challenge, and all it requires are some rolls of toilet paper and disposable cups (plus whatever you’re drinking inside the cups).

3. Embark on a Cards Against Humanity battle

If you’ve never played Cards Against Humanity, perhaps you’ve played Apples to Apples, which is a similar game with almost identical rules but that’s geared toward kids specifically. Be forewarned that Cards Against Humanity is notorious for its often edgy and risque subject matter, but that’s also what makes it hilarious.

4. DIY your own Twister board!

Although you can buy the game Twister in the store, it’s also pretty easy to make it yourself. And when you do so, you have the option to make it as easy or as hard as you like, and even to choose the colors you use for it. If your party has a color scheme, why not match it with that?

5. Mushroom cup, a card-style drinking game

Here’s an enjoyable yet super simple drinking game if you’re serving alcohol at your party! Take a medium-sized cup, like a red plastic Solo cup, and stack playing cards on top of it so that only corners max are touching at a time. (If you’re confused by this description, watch this video.) Whoever causes the cards to fall has to take a drink!

You may still need a venue and other party suggestions, so check out these unforgettable 50th birthday party ideas to streamline your party planning!
