Owners Claim Sig Sauer P320 Pistol Prone to Unintentional Firing | Console and Associates, P.C.

As a responsible gun owner, when you purchased a Sig Sauer P320 pistol, you were familiar with the dangers that all firearms pose. And you reasonably assumed you could mitigate these risks by paying attention, following all gun safety protocols, and safely storing your firearm. The last thing you expected was that your Sig Sauer would suddenly fire without warning. However, recently consumers have come forward expressing concerns that the P320 is prone to accidental discharge.

If you or a loved one was injured as a result of a defective Sig Sauer P320 pistol, it is important that you understand your rights and what you can do to hold the company accountable. As we’ve discussed in related posts, manufacturers have a duty to ensure that the products they sell are safe for their intended uses. This is especially the case when dealing with an inherently dangerous product such as a firearm. While Sig Sauer has not issued a P320 recall, those who were seriously injured after a P320 accidentally discharged can seek compensation through a product liability lawsuit. Those interested in learning more about a Sig Sauer lawsuit should reach out to an experienced firearm defect attorney for immediate assistance.

Is the Sig Sauer P320 Handgun Safe?

While all firearms pose some risk of danger, when properly used, these risks can be significantly reduced. However, the recently expressed concerns about the P320 accidentally discharging raise serious concerns about the gun’s safety. For example, some owners have reported that their P320 fired while the weapon was holstered.

Sig Sauer disagrees with owners’ accounts, claiming that the “P320 is designed to fire when the trigger is pulled.” In response to the allegations that the P320 fires accidentally, a Sig Sauer spokesperson explained that the handgun “includes internal safeties that prevent the firearm from discharging without a trigger pull,” implying that those owners whose firearm accidentally discharged must have inadvertently pulled the trigger. Thus, Sig Sauer’s position is that gun owners should have the choice of whether to install additional safety mechanisms on their firearms if they are concerned about an accidental trigger pull.

Is There a Sig Sauer P320 Recall?

No, as of April 2023, Sig Sauer has not recalled the P320. However, Sig Sauer has implemented a “Voluntary Upgrade” program through which owners can “upgrade” their P320 at no cost. The upgrade consists of reducing the weight of the trigger, sear, and striker while adding a mechanical disconnector.

20 Experienced Firearm Handlers Claim the P320 Is Unreasonably Dangerous in Recent Sig Sauer Lawsuit

Recently, 20 people who say they were injured when the company’s model P320 pistols fired without a trigger pull filed a Sig Sauer lawsuit in hopes of compelling the company to make the weapon safer. The plaintiffs in the recently filed case are all experienced firearm handlers, including federal agents, police officers and civilians.

In another Sig Sauer lawsuit, the plaintiff presented a video of a police officer who experienced what he believed to have been a P320 misfire. The video is from the perspective of a body camera worn by a Roscommon Sheriff’s Department deputy. The video shows the officer sitting in his vehicle on the side of a highway. As the officer exits his cruiser, his holstered P320 fires. In his incident report, the officer explained, “As I exited the patrol vehicle, my weapon discharged while being completely in the holster.”

Sig Sauer Lawsuits

There are already several Sig Sauer lawsuits that have been filed by gun owners who claim they were injured by the potentially defective P320. However, there is still time for others who suffered serious injury due to a possible P320 misfire to file a product liability claim against the firearm manufacturer. Those interested in learning more about Sig Sauer lawsuits and what damages they may be able to recover upon successfully bringing a claim should reach out to a Sig Sauer lawyer for assistance.
