How does Jonas change throughout the giver?

Jonas begins to change from the first experience he has through the transference of the memories. The more memories Jonas receives, the more alienated from his society he becomes and the less tolerable he is of their way of life. The situation becomes so intolerable for Jonas that he decides to leave the community.Click to see full answer. Besides, how has Jonas changed in the giver?Jonas’ character changes and becomes more complex. He experiences an inner conflict because he misses his old life, his childhood, and his innocence, but he can’t return to his former way of life because he has learned too much about joy, color, and love. Jonas knows that his life can never be “ordinary” again.Subsequently, question is, what do others say about Jonas in the giver? Jonas has intelligence, integrity, courage, wisdom, and the Capacity to See Beyond. According the community Elders, Jonas has the traits necessary to be the Receiver of Memory. Wisdom is something Jonas has to acquire, of course, as he gets a little older and through his training with The Giver. Just so, how did the giver and Jonas plan to change the society? In chapter 20, the Giver and Jonas come up with a plan to change society for the better by exposing the citizens to difficult memories in order to eliminate Sameness and do away with horrific practices like releasing citizens. Their plan is for Jonas to escape to Elsewhere on the day of the December Ceremony.What does Jonas become in the giver?Jonas. Jonas, later known as Leader Jonas, is the main protagonist in The Giver and a secondary character in Messenger and Son. At the start of the series, he is selected to become the Receiver of Memory during the Ceremony of Twelve and gains the knowledge of generations ‘back and back’.
