Is it possible to get protection 4 from a villager?

Yes, you can indeed get Protection IV from villagers. I would suggest resetting a villager over and over instead of leveling him up to master. That way you can get to the specific trade you want, without wasting your precious resources.

Can you get Protection IV from enchanting table?

No, the maximum level for the Protection enchant when using an enchanting table is IV. However, it is possible to get Protection V from a book.

Can you get feather falling 4 from villagers?

Yes, Feather Falling IV can be obtained by trading with villagers. You can also combine two Feather Falling III enchantments on an anvil to get Feather Falling IV.

Can you get protection 5 in Minecraft?

No, the maximum level for the Protection enchant in Minecraft is IV. It is not possible to get Protection V through enchanting or using an anvil.

Can librarians sell protection 4?

Yes, librarians can sell protection 4 as an enchantment for armor. However, the probability of getting Protection IV is only 1/4 as likely as other enchantments.

THIS is how I got Protection IV for 1 Emerald in Minecraft 1.20.0

[No content available]

Is Feather Falling 5 a thing?

No, Feather Falling is an enchantment for boots and the highest level is IV.

Is Feather Falling 4 worth it?

Feather Falling IV reduces fall damage by 48%. However, if combined with multiple Protection enchantments, the damage reduction cap can be reached.

Is Feather Falling 4 the best?

Yes, Feather Falling IV is the highest level of Feather Falling enchantment available for boots.

What is the highest feather falling?

The highest level of Feather Falling enchantment for boots is IV. It reduces fall damage by a little for every level.

Is Protection 4 worth it?

Yes, full normal Protection IV is better than the specific protection enchantments. However, specific enchantments like Fire Protection and Blast Protection have their own advantages.

Does protection 4 stack on all armor?

Yes, protection enchantments from multiple pieces of armor stack together, up to a calculated maximum. The maximum level for a protection enchantment is IV.

How much does protection 4 diamond armor give?

With a full set of diamond armor enchanted with Protection IV, the damage reduction is 64%. Protection enchantments offer no side effects outside of damage reduction.

Does protection 5 exist?

No, it is impossible to obtain Protection V in survival mode. The maximum damage reduction cap can be reached by combining different protection enchantments.

Can you put protection on elytra?

Yes, protection enchantments can be applied to Elytra, but they are only effective from behind.

Is enchanting 60 a thing?

No, the maximum level of enchanting in Minecraft is 30. You start at level 0 and can level up your enchanting skill as you earn Enchanting XP.

Can elytra have feather falling?

Yes, Feather Falling will reduce fall damage when wearing Elytra, but it will not reduce damage from crashing into a wall.

Is there knockback 3?

No, the maximum level for the Knockback enchantment is II. You can enchant a sword with up to Knockback II.

What is the max height you can survive with feather falling 4?

With boots enchanted with Feather Falling IV, you can fall from a height of 100 blocks without taking any damage.

Does feather falling affect durability?

No, Feather Falling enchantment does not affect the durability of the boots. It only helps reduce fall damage.

Is Feather Falling 3 the max?

No, the highest level of Feather Falling enchantment for boots is IV.

Does looting give more XP?

No, the Looting enchantment does not affect the amount of experience dropped by mobs. It only increases the chances of rare drops.

What is the max level of sharpness?

The maximum level of the Sharpness enchantment in Minecraft is V.
