What is a Test Suite & Test Case? (with Examples)

Did you know that over 90% of the errors are handled by the programmer, but the rest are to be detected by subsequent software testing? So, it becomes highly important for the testers to cover all the scenarios of product/module to match the expectations set by the client.

That’s where creating test cases can remove the uncertainty and help you get a clear picture of the expectations you must achieve for a final sign-off.

But what are test cases? How to create a test case? What are test suites and test case specifications?

You must be aware of multiple aspects surrounding a test case, and that’s what you will learn through this guide article. 

Table of Contents

What is a Test Case?

It is a sequence of actions necessary to verify a specific functionality or feature of the software. It specifies the prerequisites, post conditions, steps, and data required for feature verification.

The test components contain the input, execution, and expected output that help the QA teams check the feature results and see whether they are working as they should or not. A test case tells the tester what they need to do, in what order and details the outcomes they should expect.

For instance, in a test scenario where you have to check login functionality, one of the test cases can be:

Test Case: Check results when a valid Login Id and Password are entered.

Many more test cases can be created to ensure that every angle is tested for the particular test scenario. Compiling multiple test cases to check the test scenario is called a test suite.

What is a Test Suite?

Test suites are the logical grouping or collection of test cases to run a single job with different test scenarios. 

For instance, a test suite for product purchase has multiple test cases, like:

  • Test Case 1: Login
  • Test Case 2: Adding Products
  • Test Case 3: Checkout
  • Test Case 4: Logout

A test suite also acts as a container for test cases. It also has multiple stages for specifying the status of the test execution process, like in-progress, active, and completed. It is also known as the validations suite, with detailed information and objectives for different test cases and system configurations required for testing.

Once you create a test plan, test suites are created, which can have multiple test cases.

So, let’s understand a test plan’s micro aspect and how to create a test case.

Test Case Form

You must consider certain standard fields when preparing a test case template. The standard test case format contains:

  • Test Case ID
  • Test Scenario ID
  • Test Case Description
  • Test Priority
  • Prerequisite
  • Postrequisite
  • Test Data
  • Test Execution Steps
  • Expected/Intended Results
  • Actual Results
  • Test Result – Pass/Fail

And multiple important aspects to simplify the test case. 

Ideal Test Case Template

Using a test case template you can create it real-time and execute your software tests.

How to Create a Test Case using an Example?

Creating a test case requires description of the test case and the process to ensure that the tester is aware what is the purpose of the test. It should also include details related to testing setup, software version, data points, hardware, OS, security clearance, etc.

Also, you must understand that these details must be updated and revised regularly because of the changing software requirements.

Best Practices for Writing Test Cases

Test cases that are easy to execute are considered good test cases. They make the testing process more efficient and time-saving.

Here are the top 3 best practices you can follow while writing test cases:

Point 1. Be Clear and Concise

A good test case must be simple and assertive in describing the plan of action for the tester. It should be well organized scenario-wise. Understanding the requirements and functionality aspects will help you identify test scenarios and create great test cases.

Point 2. Focus on the End-User 

To maintain the quality of the software, you need an end-user perspective. Therefore, it’s important to visualize an end user and map test cases to reflect different aspects of the user journey.

Point 3. Create self-cleaning Test Cases

Ensure that the test cases revert the test environment to the pre-test state and don’t leave any remnants in the environment once completed. 

Apart from these best practices, ensure that the purpose of the particular test case is clear to follow the step-by-step procedures for completing the test.

You can use a test case specification document to get a clear image of your test approach and achieve efficient test results.

Importance of Test Case Specification

A test case is a collection of criteria through which the tester validates whether the software is meeting the expectations of the client or not. Whereas the test case specification is a detailed summary of what specific scenarios will be tested and how we can proceed with the test.

  • The test case specification is a document describing a detailed summary of what test scenarios will be tested and how they will be tested.
  •  It specifies the test’s purpose, identifies the required step-by-step procedures, input, and desired output, and outlines the pass/fail criteria for determining acceptance.

There are two primary reasons test cases are specified before they are used:

  • The nature of the test case impacts the effectiveness of the test results. Even for a specific criterion, the exact nature of the test cases impacts the testing effectiveness.
  • Writing a test case specification that highlights the errors in programs can be great for increasing testing quality. 
  • Test case specifications are used as a document to check the quality of the test case and the testing result. Learn below what the document contains.

    What does a Test Case Specification Document contain?

    A test case specification document contains multiple elements, like:

    • Test Case Objectives: Purpose of the test.
    • Test Items: Requirements, designs, and code specifications required to run a particular test case. 
    • Input Specifications: Description of what is required to execute the test case.
    • Output Specifications: Description of the system after the test case is completed.
    • Environmental Needs: Description of special environmental needs like system architectures, hardware, software tools, records, files, interfaces, etc.

    Apart from these, there are a few elements that you can include while creating a test case specification document. 

    How to Create a Test Case Specification Document?

    A good test case specification document refers to having a test case and scenario ID with detailed expected output and actual output with proper comments.

    Here’s a sample case of testing the login functionality of a web application like Facebook.

    Facebook login test functionality


    You can create one test case specification document based on your testing requirements but keep  checking the important elements.

    Improving your Overall Testing Quality

    Understanding the test case, test suite, and test specification in software testing is highly important to ensure  excellent test coverage. But to achieve better testing results, you must run your software tests on real browsers, devices, and OSes. Even if you can’t access an in-house lab, choose a dedicated cloud-based testing platform like BrowserStack for all your automation needs.

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