The Meaning Behind The Song: “Blind Man” by Aerosmith
As a Music Technician, I have encountered countless songs throughout my career, but there are a few that have left an everlasting impact on me. One such song is “Blind Man” by Aerosmith. I remember stumbling upon this song at a friend’s house, and from the moment it started playing, I was captivated by its powerful lyrics and mesmerizing melodies.
The song begins with the lyrics, “I took a course in Hallelujah, I went to night school for de blues.” These opening lines set the tone for what is to come. It speaks of the singer’s search for enlightenment and solace in his life. The reference to “Hallelujah” suggests a yearning for spiritual guidance, while “night school for de blues” portrays a quest for emotional release through the blues genre.
The lyrics go on to say, “I took some stuff they said would cool ya, but nothing seemed to light my fuse.” Here, the singer expresses his disappointment with the various remedies he tried to find contentment, but nothing seemed to work. It is a relatable sentiment, as we all go through phases of seeking happiness in external factors.
But then, everything changed when the singer met a Blind Man. The chorus exclaims, “Who taught me how to see, a Blind Man who could change night into day.” The Blind Man symbolizes a wise and enlightened figure who brings clarity to the singer’s life. He opens the singer’s eyes to a new perspective and guides him towards a brighter future.
The lyrics continue, “And if I can, I’m going to make you come with me because here come the sun, and we’ll be chasing all the clouds away.” These lines represent the singer’s desire to share his newfound knowledge and joy with others. He wants to lead them out of their darkness and into the light. The metaphor of chasing away clouds signifies leaving behind negativity and embracing positivity.
In the second verse, the song touches upon the singer’s past experiences with relationships. He reflects, “I’ve had some lovers like a joyride, some things are never what they seem.” It showcases how love can sometimes be misleading and lead to disappointment. However, the chorus reminds us that the Blind Man’s teachings have helped the singer overcome these hurdles.
The bridge of the song states, “Don’t make no sense lighting candles, there’s too much moonlight in our eyes.” This suggests that there is no need for superficial gestures when true enlightenment is within reach. The “moonlight in our eyes” alludes to the clarity and guidance provided by the Blind Man, rendering other forms of enlightenment unnecessary.
“Blind Man” is a song that resonates with me on a personal level. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, we must look beyond what is visible and seek guidance from unexpected sources. The Blind Man in the song represents the wisdom that can be found in the most unexpected corners of life.
In conclusion, Aerosmith’s “Blind Man” is a timeless song that delves into the theme of seeking enlightenment and finding solace within oneself. Its powerful lyrics and captivating melodies create a profound impact on listeners. The song encourages us to open our eyes to new perspectives, chase away the clouds of negativity, and embrace the sun that brings light and joy into our lives.