Victorian Girl Names | Girl Names from the 1800s

Victorian girl names from the 1800s range from timeless classics like Elizabeth, Catherine and Margaret, to truly Victorian-era names like Euphemia, Tryphena and Lettice (no, not like the vegetable – it's a form of Letitia, which also makes this list!).

The Victorian era, when Queen Victoria ruled the United Kingdom, lasted from 1837 until 1901 -- most of the 19th century. So Victorian girl names are equivalent to 1800 girl names, for the most part., or 19th century girl names. Girl names from the 1800s back in fashion include Violet, Mabel, Phoebe, and Ada.

The names Queen Victoria gave her daughters include stylish choices like Adelaide, Alice, Helena, Beatrice and Louise. More unusual girl names among the Victorian royal baby names include Alberta, Augusta, and Maud.

Nicknames for girls were also popular with Victorian parents, including sweet choices like Annie, Betsy, Elsie, Kitty, Polly and Minnie -- typically ending with ie. We might think of 1800s girl names as being formal and buttoned-up, but in fact these short forms were used by the Victorians as full names.

Find our longlist of Victorian girl names from the 1800s below, ordered by their current popularity on Nameberry.


Girl Names

Victorian Names from the 1800s
