Cane Turd. Cane Toads generally range in size between 10-15cm, and not that any of us have ever really given much thought to it, you’d generally guess that their poo would be relative to it’s size.Click to see full answer. Hereof, do toads poop?If you learned anything, it is probably the fact that it is amazing that frogs and toads can poop almost a quarter of their own body length!Beside above, how does a frog poop? Yes, frogs do poop. Like all animals, frogs need to get rid of waste after eating. They do this by excreting faeces, or “poop”. Herein, what determines the size of your poop? Therefore, in ideal conditions, the combined length and diameter of feces is simply determined by the shape of one’s rectum and large intestine. One of the big findings of our study was that feces extend halfway up the length of the colon from the rectum.How long is the average turd?Studies have shown that the average bowel movement takes 12 seconds. Sometimes it does take longer, however, so at maximum, you should not spend more than 10 minutes on the toilet.