Michele Gray and Todd Rundgren

Michele Gray and Todd Rundgren


Michele Gray and Todd Rundgren  


Todd Rundgren and Michele Gray have been married for 25 years. They were dating for 1 year after getting together in 1997 and were married on 22nd Jun 1998.

They have a son named ReBop.


Todd Rundgren is a 75 year old American Musician. Born Todd Harry Rundgren on 22nd June, 1948 in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, he is famous for Bang the Drum All Day in a career that spans 1966–present. His zodiac sign is Cancer.

Michele Gray is a 67 year old American Singer born on 11th November, 1956 in Albany, Oregon, USA. Her zodiac sign is Scorpio


Michele Gray and Todd Rundgren - Dating, Gossip, News, Photos list. Help us build our profile of Michele Gray and Todd Rundgren! Loginto add information, pictures and relationships, join in discussions and get credit for your contributions.

Relationship Statistics

Dating1997 - 22nd Jun 19981 year, 5 months
Married22nd Jun 1998 - present25 years, 9 months
Total1997 -present27 years, 2 months

(22 June 1998 - present) 1 child
She was one of his back-up vocalists.
They live in Kauai with their two children, Keoni and ReBop.
In 1998 Rundgren married Michele Gray (Michele Rundgren), who had been a dancer with The Tubes, performed with Rundgren as a backup singer on the tour for his Nearly Human album which led to a number of appearances on the David Letterman Show as one of The World's Most Dangerous Backup Singers.

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