How old is Whitney Tilson? When is Whitney Tilson's birthday? Where is Whitney Tilson born? Where did Whitney Tilson grow up from? What's Whitney Tilson's age?
Whitney Tilson Born: November 1, 1966 (age 56years), New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Is Whitney Tilson married? When did Whitney Tilson get married? Who's Whitney Tilson's married to? (Who's Whitney Tilson's husband / wife)?
Whitney Tilson Spouse: Susan Blackman Tilson (m. 1993)
Whitney Tilson Education: Harvard University, Harvard Business School, Harvard College
Noted hedge fund manager Whitney Tilson said he is shutting down his fund at a time when industry assets are growing but returns continue to lag. Tilson notified clients on Sunday that his Kase Capital Management was shuttering the fund.
Tilson received an MBA with High Distinction from the Harvard Business School, where he was elected a Baker Scholar, and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College, with a bachelor's degree in Government. He lives in Manhattan with his wife and daughters.