How old is Kelly Wearstler? When is Kelly Wearstler's birthday? Where is Kelly Wearstler born? Where did Kelly Wearstler grow up from? What's Kelly Wearstler's age?
Kelly Wearstler Born: November 21, 1967 (age 55years), Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States
How about Kelly Wearstler's known_for?
Kelly Wearstler Known_for: Hotel interior design, product design, commercial and residential design
Is Kelly Wearstler married? When did Kelly Wearstler get married? Who's Kelly Wearstler's married to? (Who's Kelly Wearstler's husband / wife)?
Kelly Wearstler Spouse: Brad Korzen (m. 2002)
Does Kelly Wearstler have any children? What are the names of Kelly Wearstler's children? What are the ages of Kelly Wearstler's children?
Kelly Wearstler Children: Oliver Korzen, Elliot Korzen
How about Kelly Wearstler's education?
Kelly Wearstler Education: Massachusetts College of Art and Design
How about Kelly Wearstler's awards?
Kelly Wearstler Awards: Playboy Playmate of the Month
What is Kelly Wearstler's philosophy?
While working as a hostess at a Beverly Hills restaurant in 1994, she was scouted by a Playboy photographer and was featured as September Playmate of the Month under the name Kelly Gallagher.
What is the famous work of Kelly Wearstler?
While working as a hostess at a Beverly Hills restaurant in 1994, she was scouted by a Playboy photographer and was featured as September Playmate of the Month under the name Kelly Gallagher.
How did Kelly Wearstler become famous?
While working as a hostess at a Beverly Hills restaurant in 1994, she was scouted by a Playboy photographer and was featured as September Playmate of the Month under the name Kelly Gallagher.