A PRANKSTER won a prize after entering a fancy dress contest as Rolf Harris — while holding a poster that read: “I touch kids.”
Organisers were blasted by furious parents yesterday after posting a Facebook picture of Oliver Denton, 29, wearing the paedophile’s trademark specs and beard.

It shows him getting a certificate from a carnival official as he holds an explicit sketch that is signed “R Harris” and includes the words: “I love Jimmy Savile” and “I touch kids.”
The picture, which was with others of children enjoying Norfolk’s traditional Cromer Carnival, provoked a furious response from locals.
Lauren Ball wrote: “This is absolutely disgusting and sick. Celebrating someone making a joke out of something so serious.
"Genuinely shocked.”
Martin Hipkin added: “Not really appropriate. Seriously Cromer Carnival, you should be ashamed.”
Carnival chairman Tony Shipp said judges did not realise Oliver was supposed to be pervert Harris.

Tony added: “He entered as an artist. We are sorry if any offence has been caused. He won one of the top three prizes, not the top one.”
Oliver refused to comment. The fancy dress dance is the last of a week-long series of events staged by Cromer Carnival which attracts tens of thousands of visitors each summer.
Harris, 87, was freed from prison in May after serving three years of an almost six-year sentence for 12 indecent assaults against four girls — including one aged seven or eight.

The fancy dress came on a weekend in which the seaside town of Cromer went into lockdown as “mass disorder” caused pubs and bars to shut.
A man was arrested on suspicion of rape.