Schlotzskys Deli Holiday Hours Open & Close


Schlotzsky’s Deli Holiday Hours Open & Close

Looking to grab a quick and delicious sandwich from Schlotzsky’s Deli? Before heading out, make sure you are aware of their store’s opening and closing hours. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the necessary information regarding Schlotzsky’s Deli hours, including their holiday hours.

What Time Does Schlotzsky’s Deli Close and Open?

Schlotzsky’s Deli operates from Monday to Sunday. The opening time of this store may vary from state to state, but it typically opens around 10:00 AM and closes around 9:00 PM every day of the week. However, some Schlotzsky’s Deli locations may vary their opening and closing times depending on their location, so it’s essential to check with your local store for more specific details.

Is Schlotzsky’s Deli Open on Saturday and Sunday?

Yes! Schlotzsky’s Deli is open from Saturday to Sunday, and the store’s operational hours are similar to those during the weekdays. The weekend hours may vary from one location to another, so it’s advisable to call your local Schlotzsky’s Deli location to check their specific operation times.

Schlotzsky’s Deli Hours

To help you plan your visit to Schlotzsky’s Deli, we’ve compiled a list of Schlotzsky’s Deli hours for each day of the week. Please note that some Schlotzsky’s Deli locations may have various operating times, so it’s essential to check the hours with your local Schlotzsky’s Deli location.

  • Monday: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday: 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Schlotzsky’s Deli Holiday Hours

Schlotzsky’s Deli is typically open during most national holidays but may operate shorter hours in some instances. Here are the opening and closing times for Schlotzsky’s Deli during national holidays:

  • New Year’s Day: Closed
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK Day): Open
  • Valentine’s Day: Open
  • Presidents Day: Open
  • Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday: Open
  • St. Patrick’s Day: Open
  • Good Friday: Open
  • Easter Monday: Open
  • Cinco de Mayo: Open
  • Mother’s Day: Open
  • Memorial Day: Open
  • Juneteenth (June 19): Open
  • Father’s Day: Open
  • Independence Day (4th of July): Open
  • Labor Day: Open
  • Columbus Day: Open
  • Halloween: Open
  • Veterans Day: Open
  • Thanksgiving Day: Closed
  • Black Friday: Open
  • Christmas Eve: Open
  • Christmas Day: Closed
  • Boxing Day (December 26): Open
  • New Year’s Eve: Open

Tips and Tricks

If you are craving a Schlotzsky’s Deli sandwich, it’s best to check their hours of operation before heading out. Some locations may vary their operation hours depending on their location, so it’s essential to consult your local store. Additionally, during festive seasons, hours may differ from those posted, so be sure to call and verify before visiting.

In conclusion, Schlotzsky’s Deli offers an extensive range of delicious sandwiches for lunch and dinner at great prices. The store typically operates from Monday to Sunday, opening for business around 10:00 AM and closing no later than 9:00 PM. Schlotzsky’s Deli operates during most national holidays but calls for a shorter day on Thanksgiving & Christmas. When planning your next visit, be sure to check with your local Schlotzsky’s Deli for accurate operating times.

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