The Meaning Behind The Song: Colind by Subcarpai & Surorile Osoianu

The Meaning Behind The Song: Colind by Subcarpați & Surorile Osoianu

TitleArtistWriter/ComposerAlbumRelease DateGenreProducer
ColindSubcarpați & Surorile OsoianuSubcarpațiFolcloru-i oxigen pentru un popor astmatic (Vinyl Edition)November 20, 2019Pop, RomâniaN/A

Colind is a popular Romanian song performed by Subcarpați and Surorile Osoianu. The song lyrics are filled with poetic imagery and metaphors, making it a beautiful piece of folklore. The lyrics are in Romanian, but the emotions and meanings conveyed through the music can be felt by anyone who listens to it.

The song talks about Leru, a mythical character who wanders through valleys and mountains, observing the beauty of nature. In the first stanza, the lyrics describe Leru’s journey through the mountains and his encounter with a deer. Leru is portrayed as a guide, leading the way and connecting with the natural world.

Throughout the song, there is a recurring refrain that adds to the mystical atmosphere of the lyrics. The refrain consists of nonsensical syllables like “dur-du-du-du” repeated multiple times. This repetition gives the song a hypnotic quality and enhances the rhythm and flow.

Personally, this song holds a special place in my heart. Growing up in a Romanian household, I was exposed to traditional Romanian music from a young age. Colind was one of the songs that I heard every Christmas season, as it is often performed as a carol during the holidays.

Listening to Colind brings back memories of family gatherings, where we would sing along to the music and celebrate the joyous Christmas spirit. The song’s lyrics, even though they might not make complete sense to me as a non-native speaker, evoke a sense of nostalgia and connection to my Romanian roots.

Beyond the personal connection, Colind carries a deeper meaning. In Romanian culture, colinde (carols) hold a significant place, especially during the Christmas season. They are sung to celebrate the birth of Jesus and spread messages of love, hope, and joy.

The lyrics of Colind symbolize the beauty of nature and the harmonious relationship between humans and the natural world. Leru, as the protagonist, reminds us to appreciate the wonders of the earth and to connect with the spiritual side of life.

As the song progresses, Leru’s journey takes him through different landscapes, from valleys to forests and from mountains to the sea. Each stanza describes a new scene, emphasizing the diversity and richness of the Romanian landscape.

The lyrics also touch on the theme of protection and guardianship. Leru is portrayed as a protector, watching over the deer and taking care of nature’s balance. This idea resonates with the importance that Romanians place on preserving their environment and embracing sustainable practices.

Colind is not just a song; it’s a cultural and artistic expression that has been passed down through generations. Its poetic language and musical arrangement capture the essence of Romanian folklore and create a connection to the country’s rich traditions.

Listening to Colind is like taking a journey through time, immersing yourself in Romanian culture and heritage. It brings a sense of warmth, spirituality, and unity. Even if you don’t understand the language, the emotions conveyed in the music can touch your soul.

So, the next time you come across Colind by Subcarpați & Surorile Osoianu, take a moment to appreciate the hidden meanings behind the lyrics. Let yourself be transported to the enchanting world of Romanian folklore and immerse yourself in the beauty of this timeless song.
