Difference Between Catholic And Jehovahs Witness

As many people know, there are many different branches of Christianity around the world. Two of the most popular branches are Catholicism and Jehovah’s Witness. Both of these religions have a lot of similarities, but there are also some significant differences. This article will discuss the key differences between these two branches of Christianity.

1. Definition

Catholicism is a branch of Christianity which follows the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. This religion believes in the sanctity of life and the power of prayer. Catholics believe in the Trinity of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit and that Jesus is the Son of God. They also believe in the authority of the Pope, the importance of tradition, and the seven sacraments.

Jehovah’s Witnesses is a branch of Christianity which follows the teachings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. This religion believes in the power of Jehovah and the divine inspiration of the Bible. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who died for the sins of mankind and has been resurrected as the King of Kings. They also believe that God’s kingdom is set to arrive in the future.

2. Worship Services

Catholicism and Jehovah’s Witnesses both have the same basis for their worship services. These services include Bible readings, hymns, prayers, and communion. However, there are some key differences in the service format and structure. Catholics have a more structured and organized service, with a priest leading the congregation in prayer and Scripture, while Jehovah’s Witnesses generally have more informal meetings, involving a dialogue among members of the congregation.

Catholics use the Mass to observe their faith, while Jehovah’s Witnesses use the Watchtower study. The Mass is a more formal worship service with the priest leading the congregation in prayer and scripture, while the Watchtower study is less formal and has a more free-flowing dialogue among members of the congregation.

3. Bible Versions

Catholics use the Latin Vulgate version of the bible as their primary source for religious texts. This version was translated from the original Hebrew and Greek texts and is the standard edition used by most Catholics. The Catholic Church also allows for the use of other translations for church services, such as the New American Bible and the New Revised Standard Version.

Jehovah’s Witnesses use their own version of the bible, the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. This translation was put together by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society and is the primary version they use for their studies and services. This version is unique in that it uses more literal translations of the original languages.

4. Views on Jesus

Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. They view Jesus as the King of Kings, who has been resurrected and is seated at the right hand of the Father. They believe that He is the mediator between God and humans and that He will return to judge mankind at the end of time.

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. They view Jesus as being given the role of savior by Jehovah God, and that he only acts in accordance with Jehovah’s will. Unlike Catholics, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in the concept of the trinity or that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father.

5. Practices and Beliefs

Catholics believe in the practice of many rituals and traditions. These include the seven sacraments, including baptism, reconciliation, and communion. They also believe in the importance of prayer and devotion to saints. These practices are seen as part of the Catholic faith and are actively encouraged.

Jehovah’s Witnesses have a different set of practices and beliefs. They do not believe in the practice of the sacraments and do not pray to saints or pray in the name of Jesus. They believe that one should model their life after the teachings of the Bible and that prayer should be directed only to Jehovah God.

6. Attitudes Toward Other Religions

Catholics are generally accepting of other religions and do not actively seek to convert people away from their faith. They believe that as long as someone has faith in God, then that is sufficient for salvation. Catholics recognize the validity of other faiths and view them as acceptable paths to salvation.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are usually not as accepting of other faiths. They view most religions as false and incompatible with their beliefs. They actively seek to convert people away from other religions and into the belief system of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

7. Salvation

Catholics view salvation as a process that involves understanding of God and living a pious life according to His teachings. They also believe that accepting Jesus as the Son of God, along with the authority of the Pope, is necessary for salvation. Catholics believe that if one is saved, then they will be admitted to paradise.

Jehovah’s Witnesses view salvation as a process of living according to the teachings in the Bible. They believe that one must demonstrate loyalty to Jehovah and live a life of strict obedience to His teachings. They also believe that salvation is only possible through a personal relationship with Jehovah, and that if one obtains it, they will be granted eternal life in the kingdom of God.

8. View On Organ Donation

Catholics believe that it is acceptable to donate one’s organs in order to benefit others and save lives. This is seen as an opportunity to practice the gift of life, while respecting the sanctity of the body. Catholics are permitted to decide for themselves whether or not to donate their organs.

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept the practice of organ donation, as they believe that this is not in accordance with their beliefs. They view the human body as sacred and believe that it should not be tampered with in any way. They also believe that if the organs are not necessary for life, then the body part should be left in its natural state.

9. Attitude Towards Military Service

Catholics believe that it is acceptable to serve in the military as long as one is not participating in an unjust war. They view defending one’s country as a way of protecting innocent lives. However, they also believe that active participation in war should be avoided if at all possible.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are generally against participation in military service. They view it as taking part in the destruction of lives and property, which goes against their beliefs. They are also conscientious objectors and will not take up arms even if it is a just war.

10. Attitude towards Politics

Catholics believe that they should be involved in politics in order to be the voice of morality and justice. They believe that one should be active in their community and should participate in civic activities. They also view politics as a way to influence government for the betterment of society.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are generally against active involvement in politics. They view political activities as being against their faith and believe that one should instead focus on serving God and His kingdom. They are not actively involved in politics and will generally not endorse any political candidates.

In conclusion, while Catholicism and Jehovah’s Witnesses both stem from the same religious roots and share many similarities, there are some important differences between the two. These differences involve their views on Jesus, salvation, organ donation, military service, and politics. In understanding how these two branches of Christianity differ, one can gain a better appreciation for the value of diversity in faith.

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