How old is Judy Rankin? When is Judy Rankin's birthday? Where is Judy Rankin born? Where did Judy Rankin grow up from? What's Judy Rankin's age?
Judy Rankin Born: February 18, 1945 (age 78years), St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Is Judy Rankin married? When did Judy Rankin get married? Who's Judy Rankin's married to? (Who's Judy Rankin's husband / wife)?
Judy Rankin Spouse: Walter "Yippy" Rankin (m. 19672012)
Does Judy Rankin have any children? What are the names of Judy Rankin's children? What are the ages of Judy Rankin's children?
Judy Rankin Children: Walter Rankin Jr.
How about Judy Rankin's lpga_komen_award?
Judy Rankin Lpga_komen_award: 2007
How about Judy Rankin's lpga_patti_berg_award?
Judy Rankin Lpga_patti_berg_award: 1999
How about Judy Rankin's gwaa_femal_player_of_the_year?
Judy Rankin Gwaa_femal_player_of_the_year: 1976, 1977
How about Judy Rankin's inducted date?
Judy Rankin Inducted date: 2000
What has happened to Judy Rankin?
Rankin isn't exactly retiring at age 77. She'll still work a handful of events in 2022. But this week's Chevron will be her last as lead analyst for Golf Channel as she makes room for another desert darling \u2013 Morgan Pressel \u2013 to take her place. \u201cI wish it weren't,\u201d said Rankin.
Is Judy Rankin retiring?
Golf is also losing an iconic broadcaster in 2022. Judy Rankin \u2014 who announced last fall that she'd retire at the end of this year \u2014 will call the action this week at the Chevron.
Who is replacing Judy Rankin on Golf Channel?
Morgan Pressel \u2013 joined in 2021 and officially took over Judy Rankin's roll in the booth for LPGA tournaments when Rankin retired in 2022. Her first work was as an on-course analyst for LPGA events while she was still actively playing on the LPGA.