What happened to the Sturniolo triplets? What Age Are They?

Who are the Sturniolo Triplets?

American YouTubers and social media stars Nicolas, Matthew and Christopher Sturniolo, known as the Sturniolo Triplets, were born under the zodiac sign Leo on 1 August 2003 in Somerville, Massachusetts USA. Each of the brothers have their own social media accounts, and are highly popular on the internet, however, they are perhaps known best for their collaborative YouTube channel “Sturniolo Triplets”, which they launched on 24 June 2020, and which is today subscribed to by close to 5.5 million people; all of the boys’ 268 videos have been watched more than 420 million times. The Triplets mostly upload videos which feature them pulling pranks on each other, taking on some of the internet’s most popular challenges, and telling jokes.

Education and early life

The triplets were raised in Somerville alongside their older brother Justin Carey Sturniolo, who was born on 13 November 1996, by their father James and mother Marylou Sturniolo; not many details have been shared about their parents, but it’s known that the triplets are quite close to them, as they’ve featured them in a number of their Instagram pictures and videos.

The triplets attended the same high school in Somerville and it was out of fun that they launched their YouTube channel rather than to make money. They were passionate about playing sports during their teenage years and some of which they enjoyed playing the most were tennis, soccer and football, while the brothers also enjoyed appearing in school plays, running track and practicing creative writing.

The triplets matriculated in 2021, and then didn’t enroll at college, as they wanted to remain focused on their career on the internet.

Most watched YouTube videos

The Sturniolo Triplets are perhaps famous on YouTube mostly for taking on the most popular internet challenges, reacting to various internet content, and sharing the details of their everyday lives with their fans. We’ll be mentioning their three most popular YouTube videos as these have contributed to their overall popularity.

Their #1 video “REACTING TO FAN FICTIONS ABOUT US *uncomfortable*” has been watched over 9.4 million times since 11 March 2022, and features the boys reacting to some of the stories which they’ve read about them on the internet.

The triplets’ second most watched video “Deaf, Mute, and Blind Baking Tiktok trend” has been viewed nearly 9.3 million times since 21 September 2022 and features them taking on a TikTok challenge which has them making pancakes while one of them can’t hear, one can’t see, and the third can’t speak.

Their #3 video “REACTING TO ANONYMOUS CONFESSIONS!!!” has been watched nearly eight million times since 21 January 2022 and features them reacting to their fans’ anonymous confessions, with many of these being about both boys and girls having crushes on them.

Presence on the internet

The Sturniolo Triplets are highly popular on the internet and even though each of them have their own personal accounts, we’ll be covering only their collaborative accounts.

The ‘Sturniolo Triplets’ Instagram account’s today followed by nearly three million people, while the boys have uploaded over 150 pictures and videos; most of their Instagram content shows them during their everyday lives, whether they’re spending time at amusement parks, are meeting with their fans or eating at fancy restaurants.

Their Twitter account ‘Sturniolo Triplets Updates’ was launched in December 2022, and is today followed by nearly 10,000 people, while it numbers over 7,000 tweets; most of these serve to promote the boys’ YouTube videos, but also to cover all the new details about their lives.

They have a Facebook group which is today followed by more than 72,000 people, and onto which their fans post various content related to them; the most recent update of the group was on 4 August 2023, when it was revealed that the boys would be touring around the USA in October and November to attend their fan meet-ups.

The boys’ TikTok account today numbers nearly seven million followers, and all their videos combined have amassed nearly 150 million likes; most feature them attending their fan meet-ups, telling jokes and pranking each other.

Love lives and girlfriends

The Sturniolo Triplets prefer to keep the details of their love lives to themselves, and the only one amongst them who seems to have a girlfriend today is Christopher.

Christopher’s featured a non-celebrity American girl in a couple of his Instagram pictures but hasn’t shown her face in any; it’s widely believed that the two met while attending the same high school, and have been together for more than two years now, but none of this has been addressed by Christopher.

As of October 2023, Matthew and Nicolas seem to be unattached, while Christopher appears to be in a relationship with a non-celebrity American girl.

Interesting facts and hobbies

The Sturniolo Triplets love tattoos, especially Nicolas who has the most of them amongst the bothers.

They enjoy eating fast food, and can often be seen eating pizza in their Instagram content.

The brothers are physically quite active as they often work out at the gym together, while they also enjoy playing various sports, including tennis and basketball.

They often watch movies together late at night; every night a different brother in turn chooses which movie to watch, and some of their favorites so far are “Avengers: Endgame”, “Spider-man: Homecoming” and “Doctor Strange”.

They all enjoy going shopping together.

The Sturniolo Triplets love to go travelling, and have visited various US states, while it’s widely believed that they’re yet to travel overseas.

They love music, and have attended various concerts around the USA; one of their favorite bands is The Weeknd.

Height, age and net worth

The Sturniolo Triplets’ age is 20; they all have brown hair and eyes, but Nicolas usually dyes his hair blonde. They are all around 5ft 8ins (1.73m) tall and weigh about 150lbs (68kgs).

The boys’ shared net worth’s been estimated at already over $3 million, as of October 2023.
