Hiba Aboukhris Benslimane is better known as Hiba Abouk. She was born on 30th October 1986.
Kindly take a read to explore some captivating facts about her.
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Hiba Abouk birthday, age and birthplace
The 36-year-old lady was born on 30th October 1986.
Hiba Abouk nationality, ethnicity
Hiba is a mixed race. She was born in Madrid. Her parents migrated from Tunisia and settle in Spain.
Hiba Abouk religion
Her religious background remains unknown to us at the moment.
Hiba Abouk height and weight
She stands 5 ft 7 inches tall. However, her weight is not known to us.
Hiba Abouk education background
Details of her educational background are currently unavailable.
Hiba Abouk parents and siblings
She is Mixed as her father was from Libya and her mother was Tunisian. The names of her parents are unknown to us. Hiba has 4 siblings whose identities remain anonymous to us.
Hiba Abouk husband and children
Hiba Abouk is married to football player Achraf Hakimi. The couple has two sons whose identities are unknown to us at the moment.
Hiba Abouk top movies and TV shows
Hiba is a Spanish actress. She is known for her roles in television series, especially that of Fátima in El Príncipe.
Hiba Abouk awards
We do not have records of some of the notable achievements she’s amassed as an actress. We will do well to update our website with the necessary details once we get the information.
Hiba Abouk home: Where does Hiba Abouk live?
She has also not disclosed details of her place of residence.
Hiba Abouk earnings and net worth
Hiba Abouk’s net worth as of 2023 is expected to be $2 million.
@hiba_abouk_ is her social media account handle.