The Meaning Behind The Song: Pride Of A Father (Live) by Hillsong Young & Free

As a music teacher, I am constantly looking for songs that not only have catchy tunes but also carry a deep and meaningful message. One song that has truly touched my heart is “Pride Of A Father (Live)” by Hillsong Young & Free. I first heard this song during a worship session with my students, and since then, it has become one of my favorites to teach and discuss.

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The lyrics of “Pride Of A Father (Live)” speak to the deep and unconditional love that God has for us. It starts with the acknowledgment that no matter how much we may achieve or offer, it is worthless without the presence of God in our lives. The song beautifully expresses the desire to captivate God’s heart and be sought after by Him. It reminds us that God sees beyond our actions and looks into the depths of our hearts.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the fatherly love God has for us. It declares that when God sees us, He sees our hearts through the eyes of His mercy. It is in the light of His Son, Jesus Christ, that we are loved with open arms. The image of a proud father watching over his child is used to convey the depth of God’s love and affection for us.

In the second verse, the song takes a more personal tone as it reflects on the transformative power of God’s love. It references the story of the prodigal son, reminding us that no matter how burdened by shame we may feel, God comes running towards us, reminding us of our worthiness of forgiveness. It assures us that God’s love can redeem what was once lost.

The post-chorus echoes the assurance of God’s love and faithfulness. It declares that we know God loves us and that He will never leave us. It paints a picture of God always standing by our side, ready to support and guide us.

The bridge of the song raises questions about our worthiness and reminds us of God’s mindfulness of us. It highlights the incredible grace and mercy by which God saved our souls. It prompts us to reflect on our identity in Christ and the privilege of being called His own.

Overall, “Pride Of A Father (Live)” is a powerful and uplifting song that celebrates the unconditional love of God. It reminds us of our worthiness in His eyes and the depths of His mercy. The lyrics beautifully convey the inseparable bond between God and His children, portraying God as a proud and loving father.

This song has not only resonated with me personally, but it has also touched the hearts of my students. It has initiated deep discussions about God’s love and the significance of our identities in Him. It has reminded us all that no matter our past mistakes or burdens, we are always embraced by the love of a Father who takes pride in His children.

So, the next time you find yourself in need of a reminder of God’s unwavering love, I highly recommend listening to “Pride Of A Father (Live)” by Hillsong Young & Free. Let its powerful lyrics and captivating melody wash over you, and may it fill your heart with gratitude and joy for being loved so deeply by our Heavenly Father.

Album Information:

Album title: Out Here On A Friday Where It Began (2021)


Written By: Melodie Wagner, Hannah Hobbs & Aodhan King

Release Date:

July 30, 2021
