How old is Eric Kretz? When is Eric Kretz's birthday? Where is Eric Kretz born? Where did Eric Kretz grow up from? What's Eric Kretz's age?
Eric Kretz Born: June 7, 1966 (age 57years), San Jose, California, United States
Is Eric Kretz married? When did Eric Kretz get married? Who's Eric Kretz's married to? (Who's Eric Kretz's husband / wife)?
Eric Kretz Spouse: Shari W. Kretz (m. ?2000)
How about Eric Kretz's group?
Eric Kretz Group: Stone Temple Pilots, Talk Show
Who is the original drummer for Stone Temple Pilots?
Founded in 1992 in San Diego by vocalist Scott Wieland and bassist Robert DeLeo, the Stone Temple Pilots exploded onto the music industry while riding the coattails of the Grunge scene of the early 1990s.
Who founded Stone Temple Pilots?
Founded in 1992 in San Diego by vocalist Scott Wieland and bassist Robert DeLeo, the Stone Temple Pilots exploded onto the music industry while riding the coattails of the Grunge scene of the early 1990s.
Who is the new singer for Stone Temple Pilots?
But following the tragic deaths of original frontman Scott Weiland and his replacement, Linkin Park's Chester Bennington, the group is now ready to start a new chapter. And former "The X Factor" competitor Jeff Gutt has been named to lead it.